Sunday, November 25, 2007

biome in a bottle

try your green thumb at growing plants by making your very own mini greenhouse. this is a great science activity for kids as well as a great use for old, empty 2 liter bottles. teach them about the water cycle, ecosystems/biomes and how the earth is a closed system.

watch your little plant grow by only watering once and then sealing it shut and setting it a sunny locale. no, it's not magic--it's the water cycle in action!

click HERE for some great instructions, complete with a lab journal.

{all you will really need is an empty plastic bottle with a lid, some dirt (potted soil would work the best, since it's nutrient rich), a packet of seeds (choose seeds that grow quickly and easily for best results), small rocks + pebbles, scissors or a sharp knife, heavy duty tape, and water.}

1 comment:

Eliza said...

We have two potted plants that Peter is in charge of watering every day... he tells me it is his "responsibility" and he's loved to see them grow. He'd love this too and I could definitely incorporate this into a preschool lesson on the water cycle, thanks for the idea!