Friday, November 23, 2007

melted wax crayons

let's be honest, we all hating using broken stubby crayons. unfortunately, kids love to break crayons. solution: recycle those old crayon bits into big fun shapes of swirly color fun! you can make them into any size, shape, color combo you want with the right supplies. the bigger shapes will be easier for those cute toddler paws to handle and older kids will love the new shapes + colors just as much.

get creative. experiment with color combinations. it's easy + fun. do it with the children in your life today!

01. arrange broken crayon bits into your baking tin of choice {if you do not have a cute tin, melt the wax in something else suitable for baking and then pour melted wax in soap or candy molds. heavy weighted cookie cutters on a baking sheet will also work.}
02. bake at 300 degrees for about ten minutes
03. remove from oven and let cool to touch
04. flip the tin upside down and {hopefully} remove the crayon
05. color to your heart's content

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